

Waxworms will pupate into moths for a much-desired treat for your reptiles. They are high in nutrients as well as a source of lipids, making them an ideal choice for adding fat to a bearded dragon’s diet. One reviewer writes, “Great alternative for fattening up beardies… I use them on my rescues and they gobble them up!” 

While they should not be served every day, when served sparingly waxworms are a fantastic treat for reptiles, amphibians, and some birds. Don’t miss out on introducing your pet reptile to this staple feeder insect. You can order waxworms from ABDragons in quantities of 250, 500, 750, or 1,000, and subscribe and save on your delivery.



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    Waxworms  CARE AND STORAGE Let the waxworms pupate into moths for a treat that will make your reptiles go crazy!  They love to chase them. Waxworms should be kept cool at 60 degrees, where they become dormant and will last up to 8 weeks...
    Now: $13.68
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