Essential Guide: What to Feed Your Crested Gecko

Essential Guide: What to Feed Your Crested Gecko

11th Mar 2025

What Can a Crested Gecko Eat? A Complete Guide to Their Diet

Crested geckos are one of the most popular pet reptiles due to their easy-going nature, unique appearance, and relatively low maintenance. However, as with any pet, it's important to ensure they receive the right diet to stay healthy and thrive. In this blog, we’ll explore what crested geckos can eat and how to properly feed them.

1. Commercial Crested Gecko Diets

One of the simplest and most convenient ways to feed your crested gecko is with a commercially available crested gecko diet (CGD). These specially formulated foods come in powder form, which you mix with water to create a creamy texture that your gecko will love. The best part about CGD is that it's designed to meet all of your gecko's nutritional needs, including vitamins, minerals, and protein.

There are many reputable brands of crested gecko diet available in pet stores or online. Make sure to choose one that’s free from artificial colors or additives for the healthiest option. Some popular brands include Repashy, Pangea, and Exo Terra.

2. Fruits and Vegetables

In addition to their commercial diet, crested geckos enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruits provide essential vitamins, minerals, and moisture, while vegetables add fiber to their diet. However, not all fruits and veggies are suitable for your gecko.


  • Bananas – High in potassium and fiber, bananas are a favorite among crested geckos.
  • Papaya – Rich in enzymes, vitamins, and moisture, papaya is an excellent choice.
  • Mango – Mango is another tropical fruit that crested geckos will happily munch on.
  • Blueberries – These are packed with antioxidants and are safe to offer in moderation.
  • Peaches, pears, and apples – These fruits are high in water content and are a healthy treat for your gecko.


  • Sweet potatoes – High in fiber, sweet potatoes can be a great addition to your gecko’s diet.
  • Collard greens – An excellent source of vitamins A and C.
  • Mustard greens – These greens are rich in calcium and help support bone health.
  • Squash – Mild-tasting squash is a nutritious and hydrating vegetable that crested geckos enjoy.

Always make sure to remove any uneaten fresh fruits or vegetables within 24 hours to avoid spoiling and attracting pests.

3. Insects

While crested geckos are primarily fruit eaters, they are omnivores, which means they will occasionally eat small insects. This provides them with protein, which is important for growth and overall health, especially for young or breeding geckos.

Some suitable insects for your crested gecko include:

  • Crickets – A great source of protein. They should be appropriately sized (not too big!) and gut-loaded (fed nutritious food before being offered to your gecko).
  • Dubia roaches – High in protein and a favorite among many geckos.
  • Silkworms – Packed with nutrients and a soft texture that’s easy for your gecko to eat.
  • Mealworms – While they are a good protein source, they should be offered less frequently due to their harder exoskeletons.

It's important to feed insects in moderation. Overfeeding insects can lead to obesity or an imbalance in nutrition. Additionally, insects should always be dusted with calcium and vitamin D3 supplements to ensure your gecko gets the proper nutrients.

4. Water

Always provide fresh water for your crested gecko. Although they are good at obtaining moisture from fruits, they still need access to clean water. Mist their enclosure regularly to maintain humidity levels (which helps with hydration and shedding), and offer a shallow dish of water for drinking.

Foods to Avoid

Not all foods are safe for crested geckos. Here’s a list of foods you should never feed your crested gecko:

  • Citrus fruits – High acidity can cause digestive issues.
  • Avocado – Contains toxins that are harmful to reptiles.
  • Insects caught in the wild – Wild-caught insects may carry pesticides or parasites.
  • Dairy products – Geckos are lactose intolerant and should not consume dairy.
  • Processed or sugary human foods – These are not suitable and can harm your gecko’s health.


To ensure your crested gecko is getting all the nutrients it needs, supplements are crucial. Calcium powder with vitamin D3 should be dusted on insects and occasionally on fruits and vegetables. This helps to prevent metabolic bone disease and promotes healthy bone growth.

Feeding Tips

  • Variety is key: Offering a variety of fruits, vegetables, insects, and commercial diets ensures your gecko gets a balanced diet.
  • Feed at night: Crested geckos are nocturnal, so feed them in the evening when they are most active.
  • Portion control: While geckos are good at regulating their own food intake, always remove uneaten food after 24 hours to avoid spoilage.
  • Watch for signs of obesity: Overfeeding, especially with high-calorie foods, can lead to obesity. Keep an eye on your gecko’s weight and overall condition.


Crested geckos are relatively easy to feed, but a balanced diet is essential for their long-term health. By providing a mix of high-quality commercial diet, fruits, vegetables, and occasional insects, you’ll be giving your gecko the nutrients it needs to thrive. Remember to also provide clean water and a proper feeding schedule to ensure that your crested gecko stays happy and healthy.

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