
Questions for Bruce: Why Aren’t My Dubia Roaches Breeding?

30th Nov 2020

Questions for Bruce

Why Aren’t My Dubia Roaches Breeding?

Kelly from Mayfield Heights, Ohio, asked: “It has been about one month since I started my Dubia roach colony, but I am still not seeing any signs of breeding or noticing any new nymphs in the enclosure. I am worried something might be wrong with my roaches. Do you have any ideas as to why my roaches aren’t breeding?”

Bruce’s Answer: “Thanks for your question, Kelly! Many breeders who start a Dubia roach colony are anxious to see the first signs of breeding and reproduction. It is not unusual for it to take a few months before your roaches begin to breed, so I wouldn’t worry yet. Most issues with breeding come down to an issue within the roaches’ environment. Let’s talk about a few things you can do now to ensure the most optimal conditions for your roaches to breed.”

Monitor the temperature.

The sweet spot for the temperature in your colony is between 80 and 90 degrees. Make sure you are using a reliable and accurate thermometer. While the temperature may dip slightly at night, it should be consistent. Inconsistent temperatures can cause your roaches stress—and stress can impact their reproduction.

Watch the ratio of females to males.

Your goal should be a ratio of 3–5 females to every male in your colony. This is the ideal balance for breeding. You will need to feed off older or larger males if they begin to dominate the females.

Balance light and darkness.

Roaches do best with 12 hours of light followed by 12 hours of darkness. Just like heat can stress your Dubia roaches, so can too much light. Always err on the side of too much dark in your container, as Dubia roaches prefer the dark.

Provide adequate water.

A healthy diet for Dubia roaches includes roach chow, fruits, and vegetables—and a steady supply of water. Keep in mind that any new nymphs will need immediate access to water as well as adequate moisture. We recommend water crystals as opposed to a shallow bowl or a damp sponge. The use of water crystals protects your roaches against drowning as well as prevents mold. Mold growth in your Dubia roach colony can be deadly to your roaches and would definitely impact breeding.

Be patient!

Even if you are doing everything right, it will still take about six weeks on average for you to see your females laying nymphs. Focus on maintaining a clean environment, providing a healthy diet to your roaches, and adhering to recommendations for temperature.

If you have additional concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. We are happy to talk through any of your Dubia roach breeding questions.

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