
Reasons Why Your Bearded Dragon Isn’t Eating

19th Nov 2021

Reasons Why Your Bearded Dragon Isn’t Eating

Reasons Why Your Bearded Dragon Isn’t Eating

How to Identify the Problem and Restore Your Pet’s Appetite

How to Identify the Problem and Restore Your Pet’s Appetite

It can be nerve-wracking for owners when their pet bearded dragon won’t eat or refuses foods he usually enjoys. Unfortunately, like any pet, he can’t tell you what’s wrong—but there are signs you can look for in his behavior and in his enclosure to get to the root of the problem.

He is stressed or anxious.

If your bearded dragon isn’t comfortable, he can become stressed and lose his appetite. Consider whether any of the following has recently changed: diet, lighting, temperature, and humidity. Have you just brought your bearded dragon home? Did you recently return from a trip? Did you move him to a new enclosure? Any of these circumstances could have caused your bearded dragon to experience stress that may explain his lack of interest in eating.

The temperature or humidity in the enclosure is not adequate.

Lighting, humidity level, and temperature all contribute to your bearded dragon’s comfort in his enclosure. If any of these factors are not set properly, his digestive process could be affected. For example, proper lighting helps your bearded dragon know it is time to eat. Colder temperatures and a dark environment do not aid in digestion. It is important to have the enclosure well-lit while your bearded dragon is eating and for a couple of hours after while he digests.

Your bearded dragon is suffering from impaction.

If your bearded dragon is unable to pass a bowel movement, he is suffering from impaction. This means that there is a large mass—of undigested food—that is stuck in the digestive tract. A loss of appetite is one symptom of impaction. When you believe your bearded dragon might be impacted, it is best to check with your veterinarian for treatment options.

Your bearded dragon is now fully grown.

Juvenile bearded dragons eat more regularly than fully-grown adults. For example, a young bearded dragon should be fed daily. An adult may only need to eat every other day at the most. Consider whether your bearded dragon may simply be eating less than usual.

Your bearded dragon is sick.

When our bearded dragon isn’t eating, we want to be cautious about making the assumption that our pet is sick. However, if you have ruled out all of the other potential reasons why your bearded dragon isn’t eating, it is likely time to bring your pet to your veterinarian to rule out any illness or other issue.

We hope that your bearded dragon is back to his normal self soon and happily dining on a wide variety of greens, fruits, and nutrient-packed Dubia roaches! If we can provide any other guidance or advice, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team.


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