
Why Won’t My Crested Gecko Eat Insects?

9th Jun 2022

Crested Gecko Sitting on Branch

Troubleshooting Why Your Crested Gecko Is Not Eating

Crested geckos are insectivores, meaning they eat insects. In the wild, crested geckos will hunt their live prey, including crickets, roaches, and other insects. When kept as pets, most crested geckos are fed a premixed food formula from a young age. While they can technically survive on prepared food alone, geckos benefit from the added nutritional benefits of live feeder insects.

If you decide to introduce mealworms or roaches for the first time and your gecko won’t touch them, you may be worried—but this is actually a very common crested gecko feeding problem. As your gecko grows and reaches adulthood, they need to eat even less than they did as a juvenile—and when they aren’t used to eating live insects, they may not take the bait initially. Let’s unpack some of the reasons why your crested gecko may not be eating.

Problem: You haven’t offered your gecko a variety of insects.

Solution: The variety of insects you serve to your crested gecko is important. Just like humans, sometimes one type of food appeals to us more than another. We recommend serving your crested gecko a variety—and not limiting your feeders to crickets. Try calcium and vitamin D3 gut-loaded mealworms and waxworms, as well as Dubia roaches.

Problem: Your gecko is dehydrated.

Solution: If your gecko is suffering from dehydration, this might explain their decreased appetite. Some signs of dehydration—in addition to a lack of interest in food—include dry, wrinkled skin, sunken eyes, and a sticky tongue. While we recommend speaking to your veterinarian if you feel your gecko might be dehydrated, you can start by offering your pet a long soak and misting them regularly.

Problem: Your gecko is stressed.

Solution: If there’s anything off in your gecko’s enclosure—like the humidity level or the temperature range—your gecko might be stressed. Any reptile that is stressed in their environment will likely not eat. Make sure the following needs of your pet are being met:

  • Enclosure Size: Babies can be kept in standard 10-gallon terrariums. Adults should be moved to a 20-gallon terrarium at the minimum.
  • Enclosure Temperature: The daytime temperature should remain between 78℉ and 82℉. The nighttime temperature should not drop below the 70s during the summer and the 60s during the winter.
  • Enclosure Humidity: The humidity within the enclosure should stay between 50 and 70 percent. Make sure you monitor the humidity levels closely, particularly if you live in a dry area.

ABDragons is here to help you care for your crested gecko and feed them a nutritious diet. Shop our variety of high-quality feeder insects, and keep your gecko healthy and happy. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our team.


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